Time to Gather |

Lost Your First Love

To follow Yahshua it requires a great work of denying yourself, to keep His commandments, but early on there came a great influx of those who stopped denying themselves, and developed a doctrine of not loving the way that He did, justifying their own selfish desires.

Time to Gather |

What Was Lost

The new doctrines of mere mental belief, formed hundreds of years after the life of the first believers, produced a life that was different from the life that Yahshua commanded His disciples.  Was their life of love and unity just for back then, or is this the light that His Word is meant to produce, even to this day.

Time to Gather |

To Believe is To Obey

Belief is more than a mental construct.  What you do with your life reveals what you really believe.  Believing in Yahshua means obeying Him, producing the same life of love and unity that His Word produced long ago.

Time to Gather |

A Call to Gather

Our Father is gathering a people to produce the Life of togetherness that was first seen in the disciples of the first century church. These podcasts are not merely for intellectual purposes, but to extend a call to gather, as a people, in actual places all over the world.


At That Time |

At That Time (full episode)

There is a synergistic effort happening on the earth today, in a people who are gathered together to serve as His body on the earth.  We desire nothing more than to extend the Life of Yahshua’s death and resurrection, in obedience to the terms of the gospel He set for His disciples.

Twelve Tribes Podcasts |

If God Lived on My Street

What would it look like if God lived down the street? One of our children reads you a poem.

Twelve Tribes Podcasts |

The Way of Life, The Way of Love

Dayag Anashim shares a little about the great purpose that drives us to live the way we do.